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How is Bitcoin?

By being very fast, secure, and cheap and easy to use:

In order to be a global peer-2-peer cash system, Bitcoin is optimized for security and speed, while still being able to handle a massive amount of transactions with ease.
There are multiple solutions available for retail integration, and a plethora of wallets for consumers to choose from.

Bitcoin is:

  • direct p2p
  • defi
  • scaling on L1
  • nearly instant
  • nearly free
  • decentralized
  • battle hardened
  • smart contracts
  • covenants
  • fungible tokens
  • NFTs
  • privacy with CashFusion & XMR atomic swap
  • RWAs
  • staking
  • dividends
  • scarcity
  • disruptive
  • original vision of Satoshi
  • Bitcoin genesis
  • SHA256 security
  • sustainable economic model
  • voluntary
  • permissionless
  • healthy, growing community
  • major speculative upside potential

stamps.cashAlso check out this free tool to print redeemable Bitcoin 'paper wallets' in the form of generated QR codes that can be saved as images or printed on labels/stickers/cards and used as gifts, promotions, raffles, prizes, etc.

These CashStamps can also be reclaimed [by the stamp creator] in the event the denominated Bitcoin is not redeemed by the end user, so no Satoshi is wasted.

Check it out at Read the FAQ. Join the Telegram channel. View the Git. Test the tool and give them feedback.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and BTC? (the short answer)

  • Bitcoin ($BCH) can be used to pay for goods without hassle. It is the evolved, renamed Bitcoin that Satoshi Nakamoto wrote the Bitcoin whitepaper for. It's truly peer-to-peer. It's much faster (instant, using 0-conf) and much cheaper (around $0.0003 USD per transaction) to transact with than BTC. Bitcoin Cash development is decentralized.
  • BTC is an altcoin, BTC is officially an altcoin; a crude "SegWit" softfork was concocted to poison the Blockchain and change the coin itself to no longer be a “chain of digital signatures,” as per Fig. 1 of the Bitcoin white paper. Making it an unusable (for the public) and harmless (for the banking establishment) altcoin. it is not capable of being a global cash system by design. It is owned and controlled by a for-profit organization funded by banks and financial institutions: Blockstream. They coopted the "Bitcoin" name as part of their marketing ploy.

BTC started on the same blockchain as Bitcoin Cash but crippled the way it operates in order to force users into convoluted, patented "solutions" (like lightning) to transact. BTC intentionally can't scale (hence the "solutions" to "solve" this) and transactions costing upwards of $10.- USD (even for small amounts) aren't uncommon when the network is congested.

Blockstream and their investors use significant resources to manipulateplanned operations to convey selected information to targeted groups and individuals in order to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning and to modify behavior while dissuading them from critical thinking or accepting factual information from the opposing side. the narrative and actively censor all of the primary Bitcoin communities such as r/Bitcoin. r/CryptoCurrency, r/BitcoinMarkets, mailing lists, Bitcoin Talk, wikis, etc. regarding all topics that have to do with these facts. (try it!). Twitter (now Elon Musk's "uncensored" platform "X") does everything, from censorship, shadowbanning and deboosting to downright suspension to keep this information from spreading.

The banking establishment has good reason to keep the population distracted with their artificially pumped, useless (for you and me) and harmless (to them) BTC.
A truly decentralized currency like Bitcoin will be their death.

BTC has been a scamcoin in the hands of banks for a long time now.

Since 2017 the Bitcoin name and BTC ticker are owned and controlled by a for-profit company, funded by Banks and "financing" groups with the intent to cripple it and make it harmless. (they succeeded)

It's much easier for them to pretend BTC is Bitcoin, keep it afloat (please look into Tether) and censoring the truth than compete with the real thing.

This is how they do it:
On October 23, 2014, Blockstream goes public and announces funding and the formation of their company.

Shortly after Blockstream was incorporated, they received At least $76 million in venture capital from: AXA ($55 million, Khosla Ventures, Mosaic Ventures, Horizon Ventures, etc. AXA Strategic Ventures, iFinex (Tether), Baillie Gifford, PwC, Horizons Ventures, Digital Garage, AME Cloud Ventures, Future\Perfect Ventures, Khosla Ventures, Mosaic Ventures, Seven Seas Venture Partners, Batara Eto , some of the most powerful venture firms in the world.

Satoshi was a big blockerIn the Summer of 2015, all of the primary Bitcoin communities such as r/Bitcoin, mailing lists, Bitcoin Talk, wikis, etc., began massive censorship campaigns against any and all topics that had to do with scaling Bitcoin beyond the 1MB limit which, by the way, was temporarily added by Satoshi Nakamoto back in 2010 as a stop-gap measure to prevent spam in the early days.

This gave them the opportunity to manufacture consent and with the help of bots and astroturfing the Core development team (the only ones having access to the BTC repository) pushed their narrative and crippled Bitcoin.

BTC is officially an altcoin; a crude "SegWit" softfork was concocted to poison the Blockchain and change the coin itself to no longer be a “chain of digital signatures,” as per Fig. 1 of the Bitcoin white paper. Making it an unusable (for the public) and harmless (for the banking establishment) altcoin.

In short: The Bitcoin name and repository were hijacked by a for-profit organisation so they could make a buck on their own patented and convoluted "solutions" while rendering it harmless to protect the current financial status quo.
Astroturfing and a tight control over social media to make the public believe BTC is Bitcoin has been proven effective to this day.

Bitcoin just kept on developing Bitcoin.
Luckily, Bitcoin as described in the whitepaper by it's inventor Satoshi Nakamoto continues to exist under the name Bitcoin Cash.

BCH uses Satoshi's codebase from before BTC forked off with SegWit. It also uses the superior scaling solution as described by Satoshi and keeps all transactions Peer-to-Peer on the blockchain. Bitcoin Cash has no single development team or repository that can be hijacked.

Bitcoin has progressed so much in comparison to the old Bitcoin Core (BTC); with speed and features that will never be possible on BTC, it's now more than capable as a truly decentralised cash system to start replacing the existing monetary sham.

People are starting to figure out that Bitcoin Cash is dirt cheap to use (forever) and buy (for now at least, because it's beginning to dawn on the market that BTC is not Bitcoin).

Why cripple and pump BTC?
The government-backed banking establishment is beyond sneaky and sophisticated. They have a million and one tricks to rob you of your money. There are technical tricks, and psychological tricks, and everything in between inside and outside the box.

And they do this because if they weren't that ruthless then someone else would be in charge of the world's money supply.

So don't doubt for a second that they are trying to use all their tricks on Bitcoin. A decentralized permissionless p2p currency will be their death.

Why not Bitcoin Cash

Hijacking Bitcoin

It has become apparent that hardly anybody knows the story of Bitcoin’s takeover. The main discussion platforms online have been heavily censored for years and carefully control the information that people receive. Bitcoin Maximalists—the loud voices that insist all projects other than BTC are scams—also help to discourage critical investigation, mostly by bullying people on social media. Anybody that questions their narrative is instantly mocked, and this has proven to be an effective tactic for silencing dissent. Since nobody speaks up, newcomers have almost no chance of hearing about Bitcoin’s real history and design. This book provides that information.

Read about the hidden history of BTC:

Excerpts of "Hijacking Bitcoin" by Roger Ver, can be found in this post:

Why not Bitcoin Cash

So... Why Bitcoin Cash?

There exists a website by that exact name but to cover some points not mentioned there and for a quick overview:

Bitcoin Cash is a decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cash system that does not rely on any central authority like a government or financial institutions like banks or for-profit companies like Blockstream. As such, it represents a fundamental redesign of the very nature of money. The core features of Bitcoin Cash are:

  • Open to anyone. Nobody controls or owns Bitcoin Cash. There's no CEO, and you don't need to ask for permission to use it.
  • Pseudonymous. Identities are not tied to transactions. This helps to ensure that Bitcoin Cash remains free to be used by anyone, without censorship.
  • Transparent. All transactions are recorded on a global public ledger called the blockchain. The ledger is updated at regular intervals in blocks that are connected to form a chain. This allows anyone to easily see the full history of ownership, and helps to eliminate the potential for fraud.
  • Distributed. The public ledger (blockchain) is stored voluntarily by a network of participants known as 'nodes.' This helps to ensure the longevity of information.
  • Rules-based. Nodes follow a set of rules (a protocol) to achieve consensus on the state of the ledger. This consensus is what constitutes the 'truth' as to who owns what. The protocol, however, can evolve as participants demand - although there is high-degree of consensus required to make changes. This makes Bitcoin Cash a quasi-political system, with participants forming a kind of social contract.
  • Immutable. The technology deployed means that, once recorded in the blockchain, transactions effectively cannot be altered.
  • Secure. Through a process known as Proof of Work (PoW), 'miners' compete to add new blocks to the chain that constitutes the ledger (again, the blockchain). The hardware and energy costs associated with PoW mining contribute to the security of the network along game-theory driven principles such that attacking the network is both prohibitively expensive and guarantees the attacker cannot profit directly.
  • Fixed supply. Only 21 million coins will ever be created. This makes Bitcoin Cash a hard asset, like land or gold, providing an opportunity for people to store value in digital realm over long periods of time.
  • Low Fees. Bitcoin Cash enables reliable, fast, and affordable transactions of any value and regardless of location (including cross-border transactions). This makes it an effective alternative to payment networks like Visa and Mastercard.

Highly effective medium of exchange

Bitcoin Cash enables peer-to-peer payments between individuals - just like cash, but in the digital realm. Critically, fees for sending Bitcoin Cash typically amount to less than a penny per transaction, and settlement occurs near instantly, regardless of the physical location of participants. This makes Bitcoin Cash useful for not only remittances and cross-border trade, but also for daily transactions like buying groceries. Since the fees and transaction times are so low, Bitcoin Cash is also effective for micro-transaction use cases like tipping content creators and rewarding app users.

Economic freedom

Economic freedom is the ability for individuals to freely acquire and use personal resources however they choose, both independently and in cooperation with others. It is a vital component of human dignity and a fundamental human right. Money - as a vehicle that can be used for both storing and exchanging value - is a central tool for enabling economic freedom.

Bitcoin Cash provides, on an opt-in basis, an alternative form of money that supports economic freedom. Unlike national currencies, Bitcoin Cash integrates strong protection against (1) monetary confiscation, (2) censorship, and (3) devaluation through uncapped inflation.